Interested in becoming a Premiere Donor?
Our individual donors of $5,000 - $10,000 receive exclusive benefits. Donate online below or inquire for further information here.
Donate Online
Whether a one-time or an ongoing monthly or yearly gift; online giving is the easiest way to support Women Lead Change. We take your financial safety seriously, and our online giving is powered by a secure online system.
Donate by Mail
Donations by check can be mailed to:
Women Lead Change
415 12th Ave SE, Suite 120
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401
Employee Match
Many companies offer a match for employee charitable contributions. This is an easy way for you to double or even triple your gift to Women Lead Change. Please contact your Human Resources department for more information.
Memorial and Honorary Donations
If you have a family member or friend whose life has been touched by Women Lead Change, we would consider it a privilege to be your choice when considering where to give a gift in honor of that person. Memoriam and honorarium gifts can be made online or by mail.
Planned Giving
Bequests, annuities, endowed gifts and more; planned giving allows you to leave a lasting legacy in the community. Click here to learn more about planned giving options at Women Lead Change.
Do you want to discuss other giving options including sponsorships, grants or other giving?
IWLC d/b/a Women Lead Change, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, relies on charitable contributions from organizations and individuals like you to support our mission of advancing women’s leadership. Contributions of all sizes are welcome, and whether you pledge monthly or give once or twice a year, all gifts are greatly appreciated. Private support helps fund our events and other resources, grow our event scholarship fund, as well as build for future growth and stability.
Women Lead Change does not share client personal information with any external individuals or companies.